There goes my cleaning frenzy momentum, actually that went yesterday, but it’s totally shelved for the next couple of day for sure. So, I did manage to tackle my mountain of laundry and unearthed my living room and family room from what looked like centuries of dust. My Dyson was taken out of retirement and put to work, I am surprised it didn’t over heat! All in all it was a productive day and my ground floor looked spotless. Next day was the upstairs.
Well, the intentions were great but they didn’t materialise to much. I was just knackered out from the day before! Today is no better. I just returned from my rheumatology appointment and was given two shots in my knees. Oh the pain! I hate injections and needles. So now I am laid up for a couple of days because my knees are quite sore. What a pity, the bathroom will have to wait.
You maybe seeing a lack of munchies posted and that’s because I haven’t felt like cooking and have been making my family finish leftovers and eat pasta (it’s quick.) My heart isn’t in cooking lately and seems like such a chore. Once cooking becomes a chore it’s not fun any more. I do have some recipes to post but I haven’t felt like writing them up either! It’s a sad state of affairs.
Talking about sad state of affairs, I have quite a loser story from yesterday. Whilst I was somewhat busy cleaning yesterday, my door bell rang. I don’t usually answer my door because it’s always people wasting your time. So I took a peek from the top window and got a bit excited because I saw someone holding a flower arrangement. My heart skipped a beat, ooh flowers! So I limped downstairs (well, I can’t hop skip or jump) and opened the door. The flower guy was standing there with this most beautiful, vibrant, colourful vase of flowers. Then he said, ” Hello ma’am, I was wondering if I may leave these flowers for your neighbours with you?” CRAP. I felt like a loser :(. Of course, Who would be sending ME such gorgeous flowers?? I did get to enjoy them for a few hours and then grudgingly had to hand them over to the neighbour. However, the delivery guy did give me a coupon for a free bouquet for being so helpful, made me a feel a bit better but I should have asked him to just deliver to me!
I was going to take a picture of the flowers but decided to not torture myself. Quite pathetic really. I will get something typed up very soon. Today is another pizza and leftover day because my knees really hurt! I am in bed with them propped up but the numbing medicine is wearing off and pain is settling in.
I think I shall go now and wallow in self pity.
Thank you for reading!
Ouch! 2 shots in your knees must have hurt! I hate needles too!! There are days (sometimes weeks) when I too do not feel like cooking… and then all of a sudden I am back in the kitchen cooking up all sorts of things! Take some well deserved rest… don’t you just love silence?? I wish both my girls were off to school already too!!! hehehe 🙂
oi … that’s a “fun knee” story….
ha ha…
errr… u can come to Houston and cook for me. That’s enuff inspir. Save me from a shower of perpetual masala’d up chicken bits…
ta ra..
I think 2 shots in my knees would put me off cooking too. Perhaps a few days off would help. Or maybe a really naughty, over the top dessert. What do you think, would it help? GG
Oh most definitely!There is nothing that a naughty dessert couldn’t fix 🙂 Unfortunately,I’d have to make the said dessert and that means standing up. Might have to make do with some decadent ice cream.
Eggplants, that is.
Sorry for you, Nazneen! I am gong to mention something I read (and had heard before) about the “nightshade” family of vegetables. They are considered arthritis causing and many people declare their pains stopped when they quit eating tomatoes, chilis, peppers, potatoes, egplants, and some more I have forgotten. I know that RA is not the same as run of the mill osteoarthritis but has your doctor ever mentioned the above information to you? It would be hard to give up all those delicious recipe backbones but might be worth the effort if you get some relief, even shortlived. I have a lot of aches and pains and have decided to try not eating those foods. I have read testimonials from people declaring that it made their pains go away so I’m going to try it.
I did at one time give up the nightshades (half heartedly)I just can’t imagine all those foods causing you illness. I also did gluten free and that helped quite a bit…especially by kick starting my weight loss. I tried going dairy free too, that one was hard, I’d make a bad vegan. In the end, I need my meds. They take about 3 months to kick in so that’s why I need the supplemental shots. I have tried being medication free but my kind of auto immune illness needs medicine to ensure my joints don’t get deformed and that the illness is slowed down a bit. It’ll take a few weeks but I’ll feel better soon. Tell me if going nightshade free helps you or not. I read all those testimonials too and so now I want to hear from someone I know. Keep me posted.