I cannot believe it’s Monday, already! Where did the weekend go? My husband and I pride ourselves on not having a social life and so when we spend the entire weekend busy, it really throws us for a loop. I know it must sound really pathetic but we enjoy doing absolutely nothing or just doing things together! Our children, however, are completely different and if they aren’t attached to the hips of their friends the entire weekend it’s not a weekend.
This weekend was Broomfield’s annual community festival called Broomfield Days. Lucky for us, all the activities take place at the park just a short walk from our house. Last year, I didn’t walk down and look around because we had just moved and I was busy still settling in. This year I decided to take Laith down to walk with his school in the parade. Noor was running a 3 mile run for her high school and she left early in the morning. Sahare accompanied her friend to the festival.
I was pleasantly surprised. It was a great community event and it was fun to bump into people you knew. There were rides and activities for the kids, for a fee of course, and food stalls and businesses with booths selling their wares. Laith and I had a great time. We met some of his friends, he walked with his school in the parade, he did fun activities at various booths, ate funnel cake because no carnival or festival is complete without funnel cakes!
They had a little exhibition with antique and exotic cars and I saw my favourite:
All in all it was a fun and busy weekend but I sure am tired and it’s only Monday! How was your weekend? Did you all do something fun or cook something delicious?
Have a great week!
Hubby and I are the same way. We just like to stay home on our little farm on the weekends and work, cook, and EAT. Actually, he does the most work. He takes care of the pigs and chickens and turkeys. Last weekend he “prepared” one of the turkeys for the freezer, if you get my drift. It weighed 27 pounds freezer ready. We had to buy another freezer a week ago in anticipation of lots of meat this autumn. He’s going hunting tomorrow, Sunday the 25th. and I won’t be at all surprised if he gets an elk. It’s a lot of work getting your own food. I, of course still have to go to the supermarket for things but almost never for meat. We just won’t eat feedlot beef ever again. Lucky for us, we live where game is accessible. He loves doing that and is very happy to be able to do it. So….we are grateful. An elk will last us a year and we give a lot of it to friends and our children.
I do my part by doing the laundry and shopping, and a lot of the cooking, but hubby loves to cook, especially MEAT so I am a bit spoiled. All those tasks are not such a big deal except that THEY NEVER END! We do the housecleaning together, mostly, or don’t do it. Our three children have all gone on to their adult lives. We would love to have them at home more but they have to earn a living, don’t they? I will tell you that those years with your kids go by so quickly so enjoy them as much as you can. We cannot believe that 20 or more years can disappear in the blink of an eye.
I think I would love it if times were as they used to be and the kids lived at home with us, married, and then built their own houses on our farm. I am an extreme romantic, I admit.
By the way, we both have jobs “in town” but we do find some time on weekends to just relax, sit by the fire, read and talk, talk, talk. We are SO lucky.
Weeell talking of cars I spent the weekend in France at a race for pre 1976 cars round a town called Angouleme. A friend was racing a Triumph Dolomite Sprite. It was a great weekend. Yours sounds fun, I love family events. GG
France, oh that sounds so much fun! I would most definitely take your weekend in France over mine in Broomfield! Did you know that all the time I lived in London, I never went to France? I thought I had plenty of time and would never leave England 🙁 . Now with my children also learning French, we shall have to plan a holiday for sure.
oooh I love that CAR .. what is it a bentley or what .. 🙂
beautiful pics all of them
Living in the UK my friend, you should know what that beauty is…Aston Martin DBS..now if only Daniel Craig was sitting inside it…
daal-chaawal 🙂
Oh yum. You seem to enjoy that a lot these days…considering how much you hated it when Mummy used to make it.
Seems like a fun community event! Glad the kids enjoyed it. My weekend was pretty busy too and felt like it went by all too quick..so, basically, I can’t wait til next weekend!
It was a lot more fun than I expected and it was great because we didn’t have to drive or pay for parking etc. Just walked down and had some fun. Glad you had a fun weekend too. I think mine is shaping up to be a busy one again…I can’t handle all this socialising 😉