Why is it that you can look forward to a visit from someone special; wait and anticipate for 3 months and then bam, they come and they’re gone, just like that. Where does the time go? How does it fly by so quickly? Continue reading
Posted in Eid ul Adha
Shami Kebabs
The other day, someone commented on a recipe of mine with the question of whether my cooking and dishes differ Ramadan to Ramadan, since Ramadan falls in different months every year, or if I find myself making the same dishes whether it is summer or winter. That question did get me thinking…did I change how and what I cook year to year during Ramadan? Continue reading
Ground Chicken Kebabs
Grilling season is here and with it, a slew of delicious meats, and verdant and vibrant salads. There are skewers of luscious meats; chunks and velvety ground meat, charred and juicy from the high heat of a blazing fire. Pieces of golden, glistening tandoori chicken, cubes of marinated lamb and even meaty, satisfying mushrooms. Summer salads are bowls of individual creativity. Each one is different and never the same a second time. Throw in fresh salad leaves, springtime vegetables or seasonal fruit, top off with a handful of nuts or seeds, and a crumbling of cheese, if desired. There’s no recipe needed; just imagination. Continue reading
Grilled Tandoori Lamb
I don’t know about you guys, but last week was a rough one! That’s what happens when you take a break and potter about at home in your pajamas or leisurely sip lattes and cappuccinos at your local coffee shop without a care in the world. Chatting about coffee beans and roasters with your local baristas, exchanging coffee beans and sampling brew upon brew is all fine and dandy, but then eventually you realise that your free time has come to an end and you have to get back to work. Continue reading
Baked Chicken with Preserved Lemons and Olives
I had intended this post to publish last week with the idea that I could write it on our Spring Break road trip. We were planning a trip to Portland and Seattle and I figured I’d have about 18 hours of time, a little less maybe because I would be driving some of the time, but still enough to get down a post. Continue reading