One thing I miss about Easter in England is the assortment of brightly coloured Easter eggs. I used to love admiring all the chocolate eggs at the supermarket; there were so many different kinds in so many exciting flavours. It was so hard to choose one, but somehow I managed, it was chocolate after all.
I received an ad circular for World Market the other day and I saw a bunch of stuff for Easter, like plates and bunny décor. I was really hoping they would have some of those fancy Easter eggs from England, but alas, that was not to be. However, my eyes did light up when I saw that they were also advertising these cute and incredibly, beautiful egg cups. I am a sucker for egg cups, and I don’t even know why. I didn’t collect them in England where they are especially popular. I happened to come across some egg cups here in the US a while back and was all excited because they are so rare here. The Americans, I guess, don’t like to eat soft boiled eggs in egg cups with little buttered or Marmite soldiers. It’s so much fun though and delicious. I make them for my kids on occasion.
Ever since I found those first two egg cups, I now look for them everywhere. I don’t have that many, like I said, they are a rarity here, but I have managed to accumulate a few. These particular ones were very cheery and spring-like and I knew I just had to go and take a look. So, I grabbed my poor husband and off we went. I almost didn’t find them. Just as were ready to head out I espied them on an end-cap. There were only a few left and I basically, disrupted the whole display and took the ones I wanted.
Aren’t they just the cutest?
I would show you my other cups but I haven’t unpacked them since moving to Colorado and I have no idea which box in the basement holds them. When I do, I will definitely show you. There are some very pretty hand painted ones from Portugal.
Haven’t cooked anything exciting lately, but when I do, I will tell you! Meanwhile, I do have a couple of things I made last week, so maybe I’ll post them this week.
The weather has been typical spring; warm one day and snowing the next. The blossom trees are all out in full bloom and they are splendiferous. The grass is getting greener every day and the sunny, happy daffodils are nodding their bright, yellow heads reassuringly.
Hope the spring weather has woken you up from hibernation and has you ravenous for some summer food, projects and adventures.
Have a great week!