You guys are going to think I’m a big tease, especially when I say I’m back and then disappear for 10 days again. I think I should just officially tell y’all that I’m stepping back from the blog for a bit. At least through Ramadan and probably the summer. It’s unfortunate because I look forward to all the fresh produce that summer brings and am excited to try out new things but I just don’t see it happening right now.
I am definitely overwhelmed with Ramadan and my catering events. These were not on my calendar and as much as I love doing them, they are quite time consuming and tiring. I literally have no energy to cook and photograph for the blog.
However, more than my job and even Ramadan, it’s what’s going on in Palestine that has brought my life to a standstill. My heart is broken, my motivation is gone and my eyes are heavy with the tears that flow every night.
The thought of making an iftar feast for Ramadan while other Muslims (and non Muslims, many Palestinians are Christian) are burying their children is just more than I can handle. Right now, I have no inspiration, no motivation; I feel sort of dead inside. To me, what I do is trivial compared to what they are going through. I cannot, in good conscience, cook and photograph food.
Even our own Iftars have been just dates and water, with the sombre remembrance that we are eating and drinking so much more than others. I am grateful to my children and my husband for understanding and supporting my choice to keep things simple.
The topic of this conflict is controversial and divided. I am not going to air my views because this is a food blog. I have friends on both sides of the field but there is an obvious imbalance, even with the bias reporting, it is obvious. Occupation is occupation, wrong is wrong and inhumanity is inhumanity.
Not everyone is going to agree with what I believe in, and I will probably get a few notifications telling me of who has unsubscribed. That’s ok. I’ve already lost FB friends, I guess they weren’t friends after all.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t visit you and comment on your posts. I do receive them in my emails and I do read them there. I’m just kind of numb and need some time to renew my passion for cooking, baking and reading about cooking and baking.
Wherever your allegiance lies, I just ask that you pray for everyone; so many people on this Earth are persecuted, oppressed, humiliated and murdered on a daily basis. Please pray for humanity.
My heart bleeds for your pain Nazneen. We have enough on our plate without having to have tear our hearts at the sufferings for humans who are caught in a brutal game of powerplay. World seems to be on fire….no one is untouched, some more than others. Take your time, heal, and hope to see you back soon. I have missed your posts, though I have been MIA myself, overwhelmed much like you have been with work, home and my social commitments. Hugs and lots of love.
I’m really sorry for what happen in Palestine, trully sorry
one of my collegues is a voluntary trauma surgeon from Mercy Indonesia, i heard a lot of it,
Palestinian is a victim beetween extrimist and israely
i hope they can solved the conflict soon
Dedy@Dentist Chef recently posted..Thai Style Steamed Fish Recipe (Mouse Grouper Fish with Chilli, Torch Ginger, Tamarind & Mushrooms)
And it is ,with a heavy heart, I say take your time. Didn’t I tell you, the world is going CRAZY my friend. I began to retreat myself and live in my pink shell, convincing myself that everything is OK. I do not want to hear anything or see any news, because simply it is the DIRTY POLITICAL GAMES, and only the innocent suffer.
Amira recently posted..Ghoraybea #Eid eats
I completely understand your feelings and your wish to retreat for some time from blogging.
Watching people suffering, not important to which nationality or religion they belong, is horrifying.
Looking forward for your come back whenever you are ready, take care Nazneen!
Daniela recently posted..See You In September!
I am at a loss for words. Humanity is dead. I pray for us – humans to have some humanity back and take a stock of how low we have fallen.
Hi Nazneen
Unfortunately my own knowledge of what goes on is basic to say the least. Israel’s constant over the top actions are outrageous. The worlds in action on the conflict is also outrageous.
My wife, whose father is Egyptian, is far more taken by the events in Palestine and I think its fair to say she shares your thoughts.
Let’s pray for peace.
David Crichton recently posted..Pistachio Millefeuille and Lavender Ice Cream
There is so much suffering in the world, and no matter the beliefs or opinions on either side of the conflicts, it is so difficult to watch humans destroy each other, and perhaps most of all, as you said, to think of the mothers who must say a final, needless farewell to their own children. My heart goes out to you in the particular sadness you feel with recent events. Stay strong … and don’t give up hoping that peace can come. I will so look forward to reading your posts … when you again find the time and the joy in sharing them.
A lovely post that says so much from so little. I understand your pain and will be praying too. Looking forward to your return. Keep well!
Miss Messy recently posted..{Vegan} Coconut Bake (Caribbean Coconut Bread)
Have a blessed Ramadan and indulge in what gives you peace. Stay blessed
easyfoodsmith recently posted..Celebrating Easy Food Smith’s new ‘home’ with LEMON CRINKLE COOKIES
I totally understand where you’re coming from Nazneen. Blogging is feel pretty trivial in light of what’s going on in the world. Especially here in Amsterdam :/
I’m certainly going to miss seeing your wonderful recipes and hearing about your life.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine really is tragic. I hate to hear about other people suffering. Nobody should be subject to senseless violence, no matter who they are or where they come from or what they believe. I can only hope that peace and humanity will win in the end.
Mary Frances recently posted..Clean Lean and Sexy
This is completely valid and understandable. I respect your opinion and views.
Gourmet Getaways
Gourmet Getaways recently posted..Mad Max Mexican -Coffs Harbour
Take all the time you need Nanzeen. Your heavy heart and feeling of numbness is well understood. Take Care, BAM
Bam’s Kitchen recently posted..Grilled Chili Lime Okra
It HAS to stop but I don’t think it will. Why is it that religion causes so much destruction and hatred?
I realize that it’s more than religion but so many use it as justification.
I cry every night when I see the news, not only about the middle east but about the US/Mexico border and the
poor, poor children. I despair.
I share your grief and understand your lethargy of spirit as you attempt to come to terms with the horror taking place over there. It is devastating, gutting, mind-numbingly horrible. Wishing you healing and peace and rest. xo
Krista recently posted..Wood-burning at the Allora Winter Festival
Have a blessed Ramadan!
Balvinder recently posted..Paleo Blueberry Muffin Cake
Nazneen: I can understand you very well, my friend! I have friends from both sides and sometimes it is a tough spot to be … in the middle! But it is not so hard compared to what others is suffering in these conflicts. I pray for change. I pray people can see enough is enough. Many lives have been taken away in a war that has last for centuries and centuries. Seeing children hurt is the worst of all. What I have seen is heartbreaking. May the Lord bring peace to all hearts and minds. May He make people reason and see violence is not the way.
I also pray that your heart be healed. Sending you our love and prayers.
Denise Browning@From Brazil To You recently posted..Coxinha de Frango (Chicken Fritters) and Rioja Wine: A Match Made in Heaven!
Take your time Nazneen. The blog and your readers are here to stay. I am certainly on your and humanity’s side and totally get what you are going through. You don’t need to feel sorry about anything. I am keeping all in my prayers. Much love.
Sugar et al recently posted..Sauteed Apricots with Honey, Goat’s Cheese and Pine Nuts
Well said. Take all the time you need — we’ll be ready to read your blog again when you’re ready to post.
John@Kitchen Riffs recently posted..White Bean, Tuna, and Swiss Chard Salad
well written , in all this chaos humanity is what suffers the most ..
I dont understand when no religion teaches killing of innocent humans then why is it that the majority of people who die are innocent
bikram recently posted..Look Up
Nazneen – you are such a beautiful human being to feel so much love towards your fellow brothers and sisters. I will pray for you and for humanity – I hope you find your motivation soon – sending hugs your way.
Shashi @ runninsrilankan recently posted..Chocolate Drizzled Hazelnut Bites
Before you even asked, my thoughts and prayers have been – and will be – with you all. Hugs, David
David recently posted..An Angelic Susurration
I commend you for having the courage to share this. I too have been consumed with sadness thinking of what has become of our society, that such cruel occupation is justified and allowed. InshAllah our collective prayers will be answered.
It’s very hard to watch the news Nazneen. It is heart breaking. We’ll miss you and will look forward to your return. I count on you to give me curry leaf inspiration. 😉
Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch) recently posted..Honey and Horseradish, A Perfect Pair for Grilled Chicken Wings
I am so sorry my friend. Your heartache and pain is more than understandable,
I take no sides in the Palestinian conflict, the conflict in itself is beyond wrong and has gone on for too long.
Take your time, and come back to us when you are ready. Have a blessed Ramadan.
Choc Chip Uru recently posted..And So Ends The 2014 World Cup…
Can very well understand and relate to your heartache. May Allah grant mercy on all those who are suffering. I can no longer bring myself to look at the images and news on social media and, like you, to think we spend our Ramadan in relative luxury while others are losing their loved ones and all that they have .. It’s too painful and takes the joy out of everything. That we can only make Dua is hardly a consolation.
Have a blessed Ramadan & look forward to seeing you back in this space when you are ready.
Needful Things recently posted..Venting