We (well, mainly my husband) have been busy clearing out the back yard. We raked a million leaves and pulled a million weeds and have collected I think, like 20 bags of leaves and weeds. Not to mention, tree branches and bush clippings. It was a beautiful week last week and it felt good to be outside in the sunny warmth. There was still quite a chill in the air but that’s spring. The house we are in at the moment, backs up to an open field/park. It was nice to see families with their kids enjoying the sun like we were and joggers making the most of the warm weather. It was just a pleasant scene all around; sounds of giggling children, the sound of my own son as he helped daddy rake up leaves, the sounds of the rustling leaves being swept up into a bag, the stern, crackling sound of my husband breaking tree limbs, and if you got close to the flowering maple, a delightful humming from the bees buzzing around the buds.
Spring Cleaning
I walked around with my camera trying to capture some of this springtime beauty.
Laith helped me plant the herb seeds we got the other day. We planted some basil, parsley, thyme and Bibb lettuce for now. He looks at the pots everyday to see if anything has come up and is really excited by the idea of planting and growing stuff. I think by next week, we should see some signs of life and since, he is so interested, we will go ahead and plant a vegetable garden out back. We have plenty of garden space.
A little bit of sunshine and some hard work really does a soul some good. We can look out into the garden and be proud (well, I am proud of my husband, who did all the hard work.) It’s satisfying to get your hands dirty and feel the earth. We just need some colour now in our backyard. I will be checking out the home centres this week to see what we can put back there. I am excited because I now, have a different selection of plants to choose from than I did in Houston. All the flowers I really love could not be grown in Houston because of the heat, but here in Broomfield, I may get my pretty flowers.