I realise every time I miss a week on the blog that I need to get organised. I need to get ahead on my posts, I need to photograph, write and schedule way before the night before it’s due to post. I can’t seem to make that happen.
You must think that I’m some totally disorganised person with her mind, home and kitchen in total disarray. Believe it or not, I’m pretty good at organising. If I wasn’t, I couldn’t possibly shop and prep for 3 jobs back to back and pull of each one with any kind of success. If I wasn’t organised, I would turn up at the wrong event, at the wrong day and time with the wrong food!
I have always been super organised. Years of studying and trying to keep formulas straight in my head and tests, classes and labs; I had to know what I was doing. Jotting down lots of check lists and notes helped me unclog my mind and keep things clear and in focus. Even today, if I feel overwhelmed, I write it down.

Sometimes I feel that as long as I’ve been conscious, my mind has worked in overdrive. There is no down time, no relaxation, no calming of the mind; it is in constant flux ALL THE TIME. I get exhausted.
When the kids were little and we were invited to parties or dinners, I had to have a mental checklist of getting them ready, getting them in the car and driving and arriving right on time. I remember how my family was always terribly impressed that even with 4 little kids, I managed to arrive at every function right on time (they were always hours late)

These days, I have checklists for everything, from events at work, to Thanksgiving, Ramadan, and dinner parties I hold at home. Without my calendars (3 of them), my notebooks, iPads, and computer, I would be a total mess. You would think that with all these resources available to me, I should be able to publish a post on time!

I love my blog and I love to write and also to read other blogs. I love experimenting with food, writing about it, spending time on photography and having discussions with my blogger friends. I think the disconnect lately has been that since my job revolves around food, I’m just exhausted to deal with more food for my blog. I think for many bloggers, food is an escape and they enjoy cooking as a form of relaxation. I still love to cook and love my job, but when you’ve been prepping and cooking for 2 days, the last thing you want to do is cook again just for fun! I still do it though because cooking for fun is still completely different than cooking as a job. It’s just a little tiring on the body and mind sometimes.
Spring has finally arrived in Colorado. When we see local asparagus, sweet spring spinach and colorful globes of radishes, we know spring is here. I think we’re finally done with our snow as well. We had snow storms just a couple of weeks ago but I think we’ve finally settled on rain.
It’s a gloomy, rainy day today as I look out my window typing this. Call me weird, but I love these kinds of days even though they do a number on my joints and I usually feel pretty awful.
Gloomy, rainy days invite steaming cups of tea, your favourite warm, fluffy throw, a dusty, dog eared book and a comfy chair close to the window where you can hear the raindrops against the window pane.

The sky maybe grey and there’s not a peek of blue anywhere in sight but if you look closely, you can see the colour; the vibrant green of the lush grass, the yellow of the daffodils, the purple of the grape hyacinths, the rainbow colors of the tulips and the bobbing, green heads of the pom pom hydrangea. Through the grey, I can see these colors and they are uplifting even when it’s cold and wet.
I can hear the rain fall on the young, fluttering aspen leaves; I can see the cherry blossoms surrender to it as they float down to the carpet they’ve created under the tree, and I can smell the floral aromas that are shaken alive by the falling water and the earthiness of the ground as the water carves its way through; every sense is alive and aware.
My favourite seasons have always been fall and winter but springtime really is a wonderful season because after months of brown grass and no leaves on trees, its nice to have the rain and all the green that comes with it.

It’s also wonderful to have something fresh and green to eat after a winter of heavy stews and potatoes! I have been enjoying the newly sprung life outside and inside at my local shop and farm. I’ve been grilling already since our porch keeps our grill nicely covered and easily accessible for cooking all year round. Grilled meats and fresh salads are what’s on the menu these days when I’m home and actually feel like cooking!
This is one of those beautiful, spring salads that showcase all that spring has to offer with a little winter citrus thrown in for good measure. I served this with a poached egg for myself and grilled salmon for the rest of the family. It’s a perfect accompaniment for any meat but a meatless version with the poached eggs is pretty delicious.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6

- ⅓ pound/150g fresh ramps or green onions, washed and dried
- 1 pound/455g asparagus, washed and dried
- 1½ cups fava beans, shelled
- 5 oz container of pea shoots or spring greens
- 2 Blood oranges
- 6 eggs, poached
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Citrus Vinaigrette
- 1 blood orange, juiced
- 1 navel orange, juiced
- ½ lemon, juiced
- 1 teaspoon whole grain mustard
- 2 teaspoons honey
- ½ cup olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Dressing:
- In a small bowl, add the honey and mustard, mix a little to break up the honey.
- Add the juices and mix to dissolve the honey and mix the mustard through.
- While whisking, add the olive oil in a stream, allowing the dressing to emulsify.
- Check for salt, pepper and sweetness.
- Add as desired.
- Bring up a small out of water to boil.
- Have a bowl of ice water ready.
- Once boiling, add the shelled favas and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Drop the fava beans into the ice water.
- Allow the beans to cool down and then remove the skins off the fava beans.
- They should peel off easily between the fingers.
- Run a knife around the blood oranges and cut off the peel removing the white pith as well.
- Slice the orange into segments.
- Start up a grill outside, or stove top grill inside.
- Need the grill medium hot to sear the ramps and asparagus quickly.
- Toss the asparagus and ramps in olive oil and throw on the grill.
- Turn the vegetables to ensure even browning without too much charring.
- A little char is great but we don't want them to catch on fire, especially the ramps!
- Once the asparagus has changed a bright green and some grill marks or charring is visible, pull them off the grill.
- The ramps will char a little and the soft green tops will wilt.
- Cut both into bite size pieces.
- Arrange the pea shoots or spring greens onto plates.
- Drizzle a little vinaigrette over the top.
- Divide the asparagus, ramps and blood oranges between the plates.
- Scatter the fava beans equally between the plates.
- Place a poached egg on top of each salad, and drizzle salad dressing over the top.
- Alternatively, you can toss the salad with the vinaigrette and plate, or leave the dressing on the side.
So, what do you do to keep your life organised? Maybe some tips might help me! How’s the weather in your part of the world?
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS salad Nazneen! A perfect way to use ramps. I love everything about this dish. And that poached egg is just the crowning glory! Go easy on yourself. I think you are amazing. It can’t be easy to work with food all day long and then come home and feed your family and then try to get enthused about working with food some more! And it just makes me look forward to your posts even more! : )
Anne@ASaladForAllSeasons recently posted..Blueberry Vinaigrette
SO gorgeous and clean — the perfect spring salad. I’m an organized person but lately, my mind have been preoccupied with so many things. Work is piling up, ooppsss!
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com recently posted..Acai Bowl
Thank you, Kiran. I think we must all go through that period of disorganization!
This is a stunning and rustic late spring salad. the photography is beautiful.
I have been blogging a long time and I learned early that I own my blog, my blog does not own me. Life happens and some days were are just not inspired to post. Do not put pressure on yourself-you blog because it makes you feel good. If you treat it like a job, it will no longer be fun.
Happy almost summer!
Being organised is so important in order to make life easy Nazneen. But we can’t manage everything the same way. Blogging is a hobby and there should be no pressure with it. I understand that you’d rather like sit down and enjoy some rest, when you’ve been cooking for days. I would too!
Like you, I try as much as I can to have a strong “routine” and to collect information on a notebook, to have a plan in my head or on paper when we are getting ready to visit friends or family. I am rushing a lot and I have only one kid!
It’s rainy here too. And quite cold for the season. But rain is good for the earth, the soil, the grass and the flowers. I rejoice with nature, even if I would like a bit of sun when heading to work. Walking under the rain with high heels is not that funny!!
Love your fresh and colourful recipe. Thank you and stay well. Save some time for yourself and come here when you feel like it.
xoxo from France!
Marie K recently posted..Rain in May
Nazneen, I am one of those that look to cooking and baking as a form of relaxation and unwinding from my crazy day job – so I can understand your point – with that said though, you managed to come up with such a gorgeous spring salad! So enticing and inviting!
Shashi @ RunninSrilankan recently posted..Sweet Potato Cupcakes Inspired by Brick Street Sweet Potato Cake
I know this is going to sound like I am bragging, but I think I have gotten too organized! I get some many posts done in advance that, by the time they are posted, the ingredients are no longer available. Thus, it is similar to your problem!
This looks absolutely fantastic, and I wish we could get ramps in Tucson, a;though I have not looked at Whole Foods yet. I need to give that a try, as I love them and, even with my garlic allergy, can eat them! We used to get them in Maine when they were in season, and seriously couldn’t get enough!
David recently posted..Spring Green
Wow Nazneen your photos are amazing – so, so gorgeous. I don’t know how you find the time to do what you do every day let alone for your blog. I can’t get my act together and there’s only me & Rich. And now I know what you did with the asparagus – give me a fork I want to eat the whole bowl.
Nancy | Plus Ate Six recently posted..Perfectly healthy chocolate chip cookies
It’s a beautiful salad! I love spring and summer so much and this green salad (and your wonderful description) is making me crave for green spring as well. All i can say is that we could do with a few more hours in the day. I could do with a few extra for sure! Have a lovely week my friend!
Sugar et al. recently posted..Raw Berry Cheesecake
This looks delightful Nazneen! …so fresh and healthy!
Balvinder recently posted..Naturally Sweetened Beet Lemonade
I haven’t cooked with ramps this season, but had them last week at a restaurant. Always enjoy them! Your salad looks great — SO much flavor and texture. And I can never resist an egg. 🙂 Really nice — thanks.
John/Kitchen Riffs recently posted..Strawberry-Chipotle Salsa with Jalapeño
Wonderful photos of your lovely spring salad. I’m glad spring has finally arrived…here in Florida, it feels more like summer. 🙂
Karen (Back Road Journal) recently posted..Coffee Panna Cotta
This is exactly my kind of food…interesting, delicious and healthy…now I am really HUNGRY!
Angie@Angie’s Recipes recently posted..Black Quinoa, Red Lentil and Green Asparagus Salad with Walnut Oil Vinaigrette