I have mentioned in the past that my primary education took place at a convent. My parents were very particular about our education and wanted a school that not only was academically strong, but also put a strong emphasis on etiquette, morals and faith. I went to school with some wonderful girls from all over the world. Just because it was a convent, it didn’t mean that all who went were Catholics, we were a diverse bunch of children; Muslims, Catholics, Jews and Hindus who all studied, learned, laughed and played together in harmony. My exposure at a young age to so many people of different faiths and cultures really helped broaden my mind and my attitude towards peoples of all backgrounds. The years spent at the convent were some of the happiest and fulfilling ones of my life. The friendship bonds I made back then are very much alive and well today and I am honoured to be friends with some amazing women.
Of course, since it was a convent, we had celebrations for all major Christian holidays. As a Muslim, I didn’t celebrate these at home but my parents had no problem with me going to spend the day at friends’ houses if I was invited. My best friend, who was almost an only child ( she had a much older brother) always invited me to her house on these holidays. I used to have a blast eating great food, candy, treats and best of all, her parents loved me, so it was just a great experience all around!
I particularly enjoyed Easter, not only did they have great epic movies on TV, like Ben Hur and King of Kings, but the stores were filled with Easter chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate. The choice of Easter eggs in the UK was immense back then. I just enjoyed going to the supermarket to walk up and down the chocolate aisle! There were Button eggs, Smarties eggs, Dairy Milk eggs, Black Magic eggs, Galaxy eggs and so on.
Around Easter time, our school would have a jumble sale to raise money (for something I can’t remember). All I know is that the best stall at the sale was the Easter egg stall. This stall was manned by the girls in the top year and we all wanted to hurry up and get through school to be in Junior 4, just so we could be in charge of the Easter egg stall.
Even now, I have a soft spot for Easter and even though the eggs here are nothing like what we have in the UK, I still like walking up and down the Easter aisle at the supermarket looking at the bunny and chick candies.
One of my favourite cakes that my dad would get from the bakery was around Christmas time and it was the chocolate roulade or Bûche de Noël. I loved that cake with the chocolate and hazelnut icing and meringue mushrooms. I really wanted to make a Bûche de Noël last Christmas but I ended up going out of town and didn’t get a chance. I decided to make it for my Easter post instead but with more spring time flavours. When I made the mascarpone for the Daring Cooks Challenge, I decided to use that in the filling. I added some lemon curd for some lively, tangy flavour against the rich mascarpone and the result was a wonderful roulade perfect for Easter or any summer gathering. The addition of little candy Easter eggs made it special for the holiday but those can be substituted with fruit for a summer BBQ, Mother’s Day or even a graduation dinner. Don’t let the procedure of making a hot sponge scare you, it is so easy and comes together in less than 20 minutes. It is one of the quickest sponges I have made and even the cooling is quick and the filling a breeze. In less than hour you can have an impressive cake from scratch that will amaze your guests.
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6 servings

- ½ cup/72g all purpose/plain flour
- ⅓ cup/75g sugar
- 2 tablespoons/9g ground almonds
- 3 eggs
- ½ cup/125g mascarpone cheese
- ½ cup/160g lemon curd ( I used good quality store bought)
- powdered sugar for sprinkling
- whipped cream for decoration and serving
- chocolate eggs to decorate
- Preheat oven to 400℉/200.
- Grease and line a jelly roll pan approximately 9"x13" (mine was a little smaller) with parchment paper and grease the paper as well.
- Using a double boiler and a hand mixer, beat the eggs with the sugar until thick and foamy in heatproof bowl over the simmering water.
- Gently, fold in the flour and ground almonds.
- Pour into the prepared baking pan and level the top.
- Place in the centre of the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes, until the cake is golden and springy to the touch.
- While the cake is baking, take a clean tea towel and lay on the table or counter, and sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar
- As soon as the cake is done, tip the cake carefully onto the tea towel and gently lift off the pan and peel off the parchment paper.
- Slowly, roll up the cake from the short size and let cool completely.
- While the cake is cooling, mix the lemon curd and mascarpone together into a spreadable filling.
- Once the cake is cool to the touch, unroll the cake gently.
- Spread the cake with the lemon mascarpone filling, leaving a border all around the edges, and roll up the cake carefully.
- Using a serrated knife, cut the crisp edges off each end of the cake.
- Place the cake, seam down onto a serving plate and dust with more powdered sugar.
- Pipe whipped cream rosettes on top if desired and decorate with chocolate eggs.
Hope you enjoyed my Easter post and I hope you try making this lemon mascarpone roulade once you’ve made some homemade mascarpone cheese! Next week, I have a series of wonderful guest bloggers who swooped in to help me out as I will be busy with a wedding and family. Please welcome them with the same enthusiasm you always show me. I will be back soon and in the meantime have a great couple of weeks!
I love the pics. How do you focus your photos so good?
Thank you! It’s not easy…first I take a million pictures and second, I spend an awful long time finding the focussed ones!
Just to let you know that my pin of your fabulous cake has had more than 650 repins so far plus more than 100 likes on pinterest. Happy for you!
Denise Browning@From Brazil To You recently posted..From Brazil To You guest post for Coffee and Crumpets: Pão de Mel (Honey Bread)
I saw that Denise! Thanks so much!
Great post Nazneen. Childhood memories are the sweetest of all. I’ve always wanted to make roulade but never got around to it. Thanks for the inspiration.
Lail | With A Spin recently posted..The Yahoo! decision – Short Sighted and Imbalanced
Thanks Lail! Hope you have a go, it’s not too difficult.
I love roulade cakes and this is so pretty and perfect for Easter. 🙂 I love the pastel decoration you have on top…and lemon is a wonderful combination with mascarpone.
Amy Tong recently posted..Vanilla Bean Easter Bunny Macarons and Carrot Cake Macarons
Thanks Amy! It turned out rather well!
Nazneen,Happy to share my Liebster blog award with you.
Thanks Nisha!
What beautiful memories!! My best friend is a Christian too, and I have similar memories at her place, though not of Easter. You are an amazing baker Nazneen! That cake looks flawless. You could earn a fortune by selling those.
Minnie@thelady8home recently posted..Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Thanks Minnie! I hope to one day earn my millions baking…for now this will do!
What a gorgeous cake Nazneen! So pretty for Easter! I enjoyed hearing about your memories and am jealous of all those wonderful sounding eggs!
Reeni recently posted..Italian Chopped Salad
Thanks Reeni! I sure miss those eggs too
Amazing clicks Nazneen.Reading your story brings me lots of nostalgic memories from my childhood 🙂
Thank you Nisha!
What a perfect pastry to celebrate Easter. Yeah I have great memories studying in a convent too!
Deepti recently posted..Bok choy mushroom soup
Thanks Deepti!
Looks so beautiful and delicious!
Anne @The Cooking Campaign recently posted..My Favorite Thai Fried Rice!
Thank you Anne!
What a perfect pastry to celebrate Easter! and I love the spring timiness of the citrus!
The Squishy Monster recently posted..Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Thanks Angie! I love citrusy things and look for excuses to add it to anything.
Very lovely recipe with awesome clicks
Event: Dish name starts with R till April 15th and a giveaway
Thanks Akila! Thank you for stopping by!
Oh yum, your roulade looks so delicious!
Rosie @ Blueberry Kitchen recently posted..Double Chocolate Custard Cream Filled Brownies
Thanks Rosie! It turned out really well, I was happy.
I studied in a convent too! and I’m not catholic either! I think what was good about it was growing up and elarnign with girls from everywhere, there was a sort of girly camaderie 🙂 p.s. the roulade looks AMAZING.
Thanks Shuhan, I think that is true, about all the girls studying from different parts of the world. It definitely helps to understand with all the craziness in the world now.
Hi Nazneen….what a lovely story you shared! It’s wonderful that you have those wonderful memories of your school days! I learned how to bake a buche de noel in my 7th grade French class, but have not made one for some time, though I still have the recipe! Your lemon sponge is beautiful and your pictures are AMAZING! : )
Anne@FromMySweetHeart recently posted..Proof Of Love
Thanks Anne! We never learnt to bake anything in my French class, must be an American thing because my daughter always has a food project in her French class.
Holy crap, these look soooooo good. Amazing!
Thank you! Holy crap indeed, they were good 🙂
Perfect! What a lovely dessert for Eater.
Natalie recently posted..Raw Juice Guru Cleanse
Thanks Nat!
Thanks for a great roulade tutorial. I’ve always been nervous trying it out because rolling it seems complicated and troublesome. You made it look quite attainable for most passionate cooks or bakers.
You know, I grew up attending an all-girls’ Catholic school. It wasn’t quite a convent, but at times, it felt like it! The nuns who ran the school were pretty tough and severe. However, I did enjoy my time there (all 13 years that I was in that school), and all the friendships I’ve formed during that time are still going strong today! Certainly, that’s something to celebrate about this Easter!
Did you enjoy the roulade tutorial?! It’s really quite easy. I am seeing more and more of my blogger friends mention they too were taught by nuns!My nuns were really nice, not severe or tough. I was the favourite of many of them 🙂
The wait was worth it. Lovely story and fantastic cake!
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef recently posted..Rich Hot Fudge Sauce
Thanks Maureen! The lovely thing about this cake is that you don’t have to wait long at all for it to come together!
Roulades are such a great dessert! I’m not much of a baker, but my wife is, and she does a sensational one. I just send her a link to this because lemon is one of my all time favorites and we definitely need to make this. Really good stuff – thanks.
john@kitchenriffs recently posted..Pasta with Sardines and Fennel
Thanks John! I too love roulades, they are so elegant and really take a simple cake and make it jazzy for company.
What a lovely cake for Easter or any special occasion. I have to try a roulade again…the first one I made cracked badly when I rolled it.
Karen (Back Road Journal) recently posted..Beef And Guinness Pie…An Irish Tradition
Hi Karen, the trick is to roll while still warm and kind of mould it. Then unroll when cool and fill. This way it doesn’t crack. I hope you have another go!
Nazneen, this roulade is FABULOUS!! …and I really enjoyed reading your story about your school years…so interesting! I also was taught by nuns from kindergarten through 12th grade! Quite the experience…the stories I could tell! ;} Have a great day!
Carol | a cup of mascarpone recently posted..stuffed cabbage casserole
Thanks Carol! I thought you’d like it, it’s got mascarpone and lemon!
What a gorgeous roulade, Nazneen!I love its flavor, lemon mascarpone. Wishing you a very happy Easter as well.
Denise Browning@From Brazil To You recently posted..From Brazil To You: Coffee Flan (Pudim de Café)
Thanks Denise! The roulade was so good with the lemon and mascarpone.
I love the beautiful way you celebrate Easter my friend, this looks yum!
CCU recently posted..Guest Post #2: Apple Pie Egg Rolls
Thanks Uru!
One of the things that the Catholic Church does and does well is education. How lucky for you that you were allowed to see spend holidays with your friend. The best of both worlds. You really have put your mascarpone to good use. This roulade sounds delicious and it looks every bit as good, too. Well done!
Have a wonderful time at the wedding.
ChgoJohn recently posted..Another of the Bartolini Crown Jewels: Cannelloni
Thanks John! Yes, the convent I went to now has a waiting list for children entering preschool! It is quite the school now and very expensive.
I sure enjoyed my mascarpone as you can see! It was great with the lemon curd. It cut the sweetness and the tartness nicely.
I just knew that you were going to make a beautiful dessert with that marsacapone cheese. It is beautiful and Easter day would be very special with this on the table. I also went to an all girls school very disciplined and now after being taught my nuns I am not afraid of anyone in the workplace. They really knew how to keep us in line. Take Care, BAM
Thanks Bobbi! My nuns were so sweet though, I don’t have any bad memories of them. What I learnt has stuck with me all these years though.