This post will be the last one with me going on about my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Of course, it's probably also the most important because it's the major reason I wanted to visit Oregon and Washington. The children think the Spring Break trip was planned with their pleasure in mind, and their desire to see the coast after living in land locked Colorado for so many years. And it was sort of... ... continue reading...
Barley Salad with Spring Vegetables
In the blink of the eye, it's April. What? Where did the time go? I'm quite sure that it was just the other night when I was doing my usual New Year routine...falling asleep wa-aaay before midnight, and here we are, and it's April already. I think I write this every year. And yet every year, without fail, I can't fathom how quickly the time passes. However, I do see the time passing...everyday as I look in the mirror! I see it in my children who are growing up so quickly that they're not little kids anymore. Even my baby turns 11 this year; him growing up is the hardest for me to wrap my head around. I know that's how life works but it's still very hard to get older and watch your children growing up and getting older themselves. I think what's even harder is when you can remember your youth like it was yesterday. Ok, enough of this getting older business! I'm just happy that I don't let my age define me, in my mind, I'm still 21 :) So, how about all this spring loveliness? I may be a winter person, but I love when spring finally makes an appearance and everything begins to turn this beautiful green. The shops begin to liven up with spring colours and flavours. I ... continue reading...
Baked Chicken with Preserved Lemons and Olives
I had intended this post to publish last week with the idea that I could write it on our Spring Break road trip. We were planning a trip to Portland and Seattle and I figured I'd have about 18 hours of time, a little less maybe because I would be driving some of the time, but still enough to get down a post. ... continue reading...
Blood Orange Salsa
Hello friends! You may or may have noticed that I disappeared. I assure you it was for very good reasons, one of which you can see....the new look! It was time. I'm one of those people who needs a change quite often and with all the issues I was having with my mail delivery, hosting problems, and then just the web traffic issues and basically having no time to work on any of it, I enlisted expert help. Rather than post while the site was being worked on, I thought I would take the time to chill and catch up with some back up posts. That was the plan... ... continue reading...
Beef Nehari ~ Indian Beef Shank Stew
Happy New Year, lovely friends! I hope 2016 is off to a fantastic start for all of you; brimming with projects, resolutions, plans and prosperity. Our New Year's Eve was quiet as usual. I think I was asleep by 11.44 pm, and I know the time because my brother texted me from Texas, soon after their New Year arrived, and I was able to text back with sleep laden, bleary eyes. I can't remember any exciting New Years Eve in a long time. It's not like I did all that much when I was young and carefree, but I really can't remember celebrating in any late night, festivities manner. Boy, am I getting old. I did have plans to host a New Year's Day lunch but a couple of days before hand, I got some sad news of my uncle passing away. He was quite dear to me and it just seemed wrong to throw a party when my heart was not in it. I cancelled the event and my friends were all very gracious and wonderful about it. I plan to reschedule as soon as I can. Monday morning was a lesson in reality; the reality of back to work and school and the knowledge that there are no more holidays for a while. I don't work a regular schedule but man, was I depressed. I've always enjoyed the ... continue reading...
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